31 May 2010

Xbox 360 3 Red Light Fix - Red Rings of Death Error - How to Get Rid of This Problem

Xbox 360 is video gaming console developed by Microsoft, which was introduced in the year 2005. Xbox 360 is technologically advance than the first version of Xbox. Xbox 360 is even compared with a personal computer as it consists of as many components similar to that of a PC. Xbox 360 is slim, light weight and has advance graphical processing unit and central processing unit. Microsoft has written program for the hardware components and its interface. Xbox 360 came with a cheap price and advance technology than any other gaming console. It had the advantage of playing many games in it than any other competitor game console.


Since its entry into the market, many users complain about the hardware failure of Xbox 360. The most common problem is the RED LIGHT error. The Xbox 360 has four quadrants of LED lights around the power button. These LED light glow with different colors and show the status of the gaming console. Since many components are integrated into a single mother board and long hour of gaming, it results in overheating of the console. Though there are exhaust fan or coolers are provided, it still results in overheating and failure of the chips and processor inside. Also the way the components and devices are mounted and soldered in the motherboard can also cause the hardware problems.


If the LEDs around the power button blink red, it indicates a problem in your console. The common error will be the one red light error, which means that your console is over heated. Many Xbox 360 users face this problem. If all the LEDs glow red, then there is problem with the connection of Xbox and TV. This indicates that the AV cable has not been detected by the Xbox. The most dangers error that will damage the important components of the console is the '3 red light error' or 'red ring of death' shortly know as RRoD. This RRoD is because of the overheating and hardware failure of the console. If you see this kind of error there ends you gaming. Nearly 30% of the Xbox 360 users face this problem now.


There is no need to be panic for such kind of problems; this can be solved very easily. Microsoft is now aware of this problem and hence you can use the warranty for gaming console purchased. If your warranty period has already expired, then you need to spend $100 plus the shipping charges in order to send the console to Microsoft service station. Users feel that this kind of service is costly and they had to wait for 4 to 8 weeks for their console to return. For those game freaks who don't want to spend more money on this and those who are not willing to waste time in sending and waiting for its return there is a solution available to fix your Xbox 360.

There are some guides available in the internet with video tutorials. You can go through these video guides and can repair the Xbox by yourself. By video tutorials there is a step-by-step process of to repair the components. The main thing is to remove the "X" clamp and replace them with some bush for the screw so that enough air ventilates the GPI and the CPU. Once you have removed the clamp and restarted the system, you will find the difference. All the lights will glow in green color.

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